Permanent Resident #1

August 15, 2011 at 2:12 pm | Posted in itchy fingers | Leave a comment
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If you visit MacRitchie Reservoir regularly, chances are, you would see this at one of the trails facing the reservoir. It has been there long before you and me were born; has ‘greeted’ joggers and visitors for more than a centuries and has witnessed the many activities and changes at the reservoir. Have you seen it?

This old mysterious tomb lies quietly beneath a canopy of trees. 
There is no record of this tomb dated back in 1876

Looks like a lady surnamed Fan was buried underneath during the Qing
Dynasty period under the reign of Guang Xu Emperor. The words are still 

readable although cracks have already formed on the stone. But it looks 
reasonably well-maintained for its grand age. Someone, not necessarily 
related to the deceased, must have visited regularly. It could also be more
than one person, maintaining and offering incense maybe out of respect for
the old tomb

Some people said that in terms of geomancy point of view, the location is good, with proximity to water and nature as well as a panaromic view of the reservoir. But this site said otherwise. There is no plan to remove this tomb unless someone applies for an exhumation permit. So it seems that the old tomb is here to stay. The next time you happen to go to MacRitchie Reservoir, do visit the old tomb if you haven’t, but do remember to treat it with respect!

Also see related posts:
> R.I.P. – Kranji War Memorial and Cemetery
> The Forbidden Hill
> Guardian Angel at the Forbidden Hill
> Carving a Living – Vanishing Trades

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